Planning a Custom
...The aquarium should be designed around the life it
will support, not the other way around. An aquarium is successful when the
animals that live in it are in an aquatic environment that duplicates their
natural habitat as closely as possible. The lakes, rivers, and oceans of the
world contain many different habitats with different physical, chemical, and
biological characteristics....READ MORE
Selecting a Source for Your Custom Aquarium
...If you live in the Chicago, Illinois area, naturally we want you to consider The Aquarium Professionals Group for your custom aquarium. We specialize in the design,
installation and maintenance of custom aquariums for both residential and commercial applications. If you live outside
our territory in the Chicago metropolitan area and are seeking a source for a custom fish tank, here are a few tips to help you select an aquarium
company....READ MORE
Evaluating Bids for a Custom Aquarium
...You're planning to use a large custom aquarium as a design element for the new addition to your home. You hired an architect who drew up a beautiful design. You consulted an aquarium expert for assistance during the design process to ensure everything was properly planned. You submitted the blueprints to several aquarium stores. Now you're looking at several bids for the project and wondering why there are huge discrepancies for specified aquariums & aquarium equipment and total costs
for the job....READ MORE
Choosing the Right Size and Shape of Aquarium
...Consider the application. Are you setting up a marine or a freshwater
aquarium? Will it be a reef tank or live-plant tank? Remember good stocking
practices and plan ahead. Instead of setting up the aquarium and then selecting
what animals will go into it, plan the entire aquarium around the aquatic life
you want and you'll be sure of success....READ
How to Feed Your Fish
...The leading cause of failure with aquariums is overfeeding. Over-feeding can
pollute a tank so rapidly, that the aquarium will appear dirty a week after
we’ve cleaned it. One day of over-feeding can release more pollution into an
aquarium than an entire month of normal fish waste accumulation....READ
How to Stock Your Aquarium
...After over-feeding, over-stocking aquariums or stocking too rapidly takes a
close second for the leading cause of failure in aquariums, and is probably the
number one reason that many saltwater aquariums fail. Anyone who owns an
aquarium usually wants to keep the greatest number of fish possible. New
aquarium owners tend to put too many fish in their tank, resulting in
casualties. It does no good to have a wide variety of fish if they don’t live
very long....READ MORE
Algae in the Aquarium
...It is the bane of every aquarium owner. Algae grows in every healthy
aquarium, no matter how well, or how often the tank is cleaned. There is
absolutely no safe way to completely prevent or stop the growth of algae. Once
it starts to grow in an aquarium, it does so very rapidly. A small patch of
algae can triple in size in a few days. When one of our clients calls and
informs us that their aquarium is "dirty", we know they’re referring
to algae growth....READ
Fish Facts - We Answer Common Client Questions
...we have received many calls
from clients with questions about their aquariums. Many of these questions were
for basic information that doesn’t fit any one particular category. We’ve
also gotten a lot of questions regarding odd fish behavior and strange aquarium
phenomena. We’ve assembled a list of the answers to many frequently asked
questions about fish and aquariums....READ
Your New Custom
Aquarium - What Can Go Wrong?
In over thirty years in the aquarium business, David
Hauser, president of Aquarium Professionals Group, has seen more than a few
poorly designed or installed aquariums. APG has had to rework many aquariums which were not
correctly designed. In some cases, the entire aquarium needed to be replaced and
reinstalled due to a serious problems caused by poor design or installation....READ
