
Canada Flag Canada Aquarium Information

Aquarium Professionals Group Installs Aquariums in Canada
Unless you're seeking a very large or highly specialized aquarium (3,500 liters and up), if you live or work in a large city in Canada you will be best served by seeking the services of a local aquarium company. However, if you live in a more rural area to which local aquarium companies are unwilling to travel, are planning a very large residential or commercial aquarium, or you're seeking a highly-specialized aquarium such as a Jelly tank or an aquarium aboard a yacht, Aquarium Professionals Group will be happy to serve your aquarium needs. 

Please note that while we'll be happy to submit a bid in advance, you must actually attempt to find a company in Canada to install your aquarium before accepting our bid. The Canadian government needs to ensure we are not taking a job away from a Canadian firm. You may read more about this below.

Please submit a bid request here. Nous avons le personnel qui parle français.

Canadian Department of Human Resources and Skills Requirements
Human Resources and Skills Canada is charged with the responsibility of protecting Canadian jobs from foreign competition. The Canadian government requires any foreign companies wishing to perform work in Canada to first contact Human Resources and Skills Canada for a favorable Labor Market Opinion. If we are issued a favorable LMO, we can proceed with the work and will be issued a temporary work visa. If not, we can not do the job.

The first step is to request a bid from us. After you receive our bid, you must attempt to find a company in Canada who will do the work for you. If you are unable to locate a company in Canada to serve you and would like Aquarium Professionals Group to install your aquarium, we'll require at least three month's notice, a non-refundable payment to retain a Canadian labor market lawyer and some documentation from you. The law retainer may range from $500.00 US to $1,200.00 US depending on your location in Canada and the nature of the work.

To install an aquarium in Canada, Aquarium Professionals Group must first provide evidence to the government of Canada that there is no Canadian firm which can do the job we would do. As part of that evidence, we will need a letter from you stating that: 1) you have tried to find a Canadian source qualified to install your aquarium, 2) you failed to locate such a source, and 3) you have invited Aquarium Professionals Group to do the job. In the letter, you'll also need to provide a list of Canadian companies (with contact information), which you've contacted but have turned the job down or were found unqualified. If you disqualified a company, you'll need to explain why you feel they are not qualified to do the work (lack of experience or proper insurance, etc).

We then submit your letter along with our own documentation to a Canadian law firm specializing in labor market cases. You will pay their retainer and any associated legal fees or filing fees required by the Canadian government. The law firm will plead our case for us. Human Resources and Skills Canada will then consider the evidence and either issue a favorable or unfavorable LMO. Note that we will only file an application by hiring a Canada law firm. While it may be more expensive, it has been our experience that applications filed and pleaded by law firms have the greatest chance of approval.

Please note that the job price alone is not considered to be a legitimate reason to reject a Canadian firm's bid. Even if our quotation is the lowest, a qualified Canadian company will be favored over Aquarium Professionals Group in any Human Resources and Skills Canada decision.

While there are no guarantees we will be permitted to do the job, our experience has shown that for large commercial jobs, jobs in rural locations where there are no large aquarium sources, or for very large or highly-specialized aquariums, we usually can obtain a favorable LMO within one to three months. 
Types of Aquariums We Can Install in Canada
Please note that Canadian government has banned the importation of natural decorative coral (coral skeletons) into Canada. Marine fish-only aquariums must therefore be decorated either with live rock or artificial coral. Other than that one limitation, Aquarium Professionals Group can install any type of aquarium you wish provided desired species are available from Canadian sources. Fortunately Canada has many sources for aquarium life and species availability is similar to that found in the United States.
Fees, Taxes, Customs and Duties
Aquarium Professionals Group does not include any estimation of fees, licenses, taxes or duties imposed by national, provincial or local governments in our quotations. Payment of any and all government fees, licenses, taxes or duties are the responsibility of and must be paid directly by the aquarium owner when they are due. Whenever possible, we attempt to obtain materials locally to avoid these costs.

